May 29, 2024

Useful HTML & CSS Only Projects to Learn Coding

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Practical Coding
  • Web Development
  • Tips & Tricks

Hey there,

I know diving into the world of coding can feel like stepping into a vast, overwhelming ocean. With so many languages, frameworks, and tools out there, it's easy to feel lost. But trust me, starting with the basics—HTML and CSS—is one of the best ways to build a strong foundation. Think of it as laying the first bricks of your coding journey. Here are some practical projects you can create using only HTML and CSS to boost your skills and build a solid portfolio. Plus, you can reuse the components from these projects later on your personal website.

1. Personal CV

Why It's Useful:

Creating a personal CV website is a fantastic way to showcase your skills, experience, and projects. It’s more dynamic than a traditional paper CV and can include links, images, and even some interactivity. Imagine a potential employer being impressed not just by your resume but by the fact that you built it yourself!

Key Learning Points:

  • HTML Structure: Learn how to use semantic HTML to structure your content meaningfully.
  • CSS Styling: Use CSS to style your CV, making it visually appealing and professional.
  • Responsive Design: Make your CV accessible on various devices by learning about responsive design techniques.

Bonus Idea: Add a QR code that links to your digital business card or portfolio. It’s a modern touch that makes it easy for employers to access more of your work. I also like to set the QR code as my phone background so people at networking events can scan it.

2. Business Card Website / Personal Weblinks

Why It's Useful:

A digital business card or a personal weblinks page (like Linktree) is a handy tool for sharing your contact information and important links. It’s perfect for social media profiles, networking, and professional interactions. Picture yourself at a networking event, effortlessly sharing your digital business card with new connections!

Key Learning Points:

  • HTML Forms: Learn how to create forms for contact information.
  • CSS Grid/Flexbox: Use CSS grid or flexbox to create a neat, organized layout.
  • Hover Effects: Implement hover effects to make your links more interactive and engaging.

Bonus Idea: Include a QR code on your printed business card that links to your digital version. This makes it super easy for people to connect with you online.

3. Blog Post Template

Why It's Useful:

A blog post template helps you practice structuring and styling content-heavy pages. This project can be a stepping stone to building a full-fledged blog. Imagine writing about your coding journey and sharing your insights with others!

Key Learning Points:

  • HTML Elements: Use various HTML elements like headers, paragraphs, images, and lists.
  • CSS Typography: Focus on typography to ensure your content is readable and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Layout Design: Practice creating different layouts for your blog posts.

Don’t be afraid to play around with different styles and layouts. Your blog is your space to express yourself!

4. Custom 404 Error Page

Why It's Useful:

A well-designed 404 error page improves user experience by providing a helpful and creative response to broken links or incorrect URLs. It’s also an opportunity to showcase your creativity. Turn a frustrating moment for users into a delightful experience!

Key Learning Points:

  • HTML Basics: Practice creating a simple but informative page.
  • CSS Creativity: Use CSS to add creativity to a typically dull page.
  • User Experience: Improve user experience by providing navigation options back to your site.

Finding Design Inspiration

It can be challenging to find the right design when you're just starting out. One of the best strategies is to find inspiration on design-focused websites like Dribbble, Behance, or even Google Images. Look for designs that resonate with you or match the project you're working on. Try to implement these designs or take elements from them to create your own unique style. This approach helps you understand design principles and improves your CSS skills as you replicate and adapt the styles you find.


Building these HTML and CSS projects will not only improve your coding skills but also give you practical, real-world examples to include in your portfolio. Each project offers unique challenges and learning opportunities, helping you become more proficient in web development. Additionally, the components you create can be reused in your own personal website, saving you time and ensuring a cohesive design.

Remember, finding the right design can be difficult initially, so look for inspiration online and try to implement those designs or just take parts of them. Start small, focus on the fundamentals, and gradually incorporate more complex styles and structures as you gain confidence.

Happy coding, and remember—every great coder started right where you are now. You've got this!

Cheers, David